Monday, April 17, 2006

Ajax rules...

I am not talking about the AJAX FC that brought one of my favourite players Zlatan into media attention.But the ajax that is governing the new age web.
Had a lot of thought process on what to write in my new blog. Then i thought of google and yahoo.Yahoo mail beta is almost like our outlook.It has the previewing feature.You can easily browse the messages in the reading pane.Google Desktop search is another popular and useful tool.All possible due to Ajax.So how Ajax work wonders?Javascript and XML are doing wondersWhenever a user makes a request entire web page is not loaded.The data in XML format is preloaded and Javascript will perform operations on it.
This certainly is going to change the web...

1 comment:

Deepak said...

AJAX is not always XML + Javascript.
It can be one or a combination of these - XML, Javascript, DHTML, DOM, JSON etc.

I've used some in my blog. ;) I've used JSON+ Javascript+ XHTML