Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Take on Cat 2007

An interesting thought came to my mind last day when I heard some of my friends betting on Formula One Championship. So I thought of forecasting some thing new. Being a veteran (after 3 attempts) let my give my views on a possible pattern of CAT.

3 sections with 20 questions in each session.
5 marks for correct answer.
2 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer and 1 mark for an unattempted question.

What do you people say...


Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

100 percentilers would be a lot in QA /DI..I dont think number of questions will again drop :)

Nikhil C said...

as you mentioned 100%lers will increase..but with lesser weightage to cat scores in final selection in recent years, is this gonna bother the selection commitee?